Werum PAS-X Data Access automatically collects the production data from your Werum PAS-X MES and presents it in a structured way. Your data scientists can save valuable time they would otherwise have to spend on collecting and processing data.
Production data is a valuable source of information to make your production processes more transparent and optimize them effectively. With Werum PAS-X Data Access, you can directly retrieve selected production data from your Werum PAS-X MES and convert it into individual graphics or diagrams. Your data scientists can save valuable time they would otherwise spend on collecting and processing data. Your processes become visible, allowing you to discover potential for optimization.
Werum PAS-X Data Access collects all manufacturing data generated either by the MES itself or gathered from other sources. Since this is all done automatically, you no longer have to collect and clean up the data manually. This way, you can save up to 80% of the effort usually required for data analyses.